Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bitterness Mach 7

I'm not even going to bother to form any sort of structured introduction to this blog about my most recent peeve. I'm especially not going to unintentionally do so. Why should I mention that sentences below stem from things I've seen around town in the last month or so? Eh?

- Shiny track pants. Singlet tops. Poor hygiene. Limited vocabulary. Yes, you've guessed it. I'm talking about the trash bag coastal mall rat skanks that are seemingly everywhere now. When they're not spending their time getting disgusting two toned dye jobs or buying clothes they have no business wearing, they're having loud senseless conversation in all your favorite eateries.
Now by now you're probably thinking 'don't be so judgemental, you don't know these people'. Well your right. I don't. I don't know what they're like on personal level. I have personally made peace with their inability to dress and bathe themselves like any semi-intelligent primate could......I do know however that they are total pricks when they cluster in groups. They're bold enough yell what they think (and i use that word grudgingly) is a really biting insult, or to spit and leave their trash in public areas like the fucking scummy bottom feeders they are. They're bold enough to push past people on stairways and in corridors like they're the fucking king of England. They are bold enough to assume they have the right to come up to people while they eat and beg for change. NEWS FLASH ASSHOLES! I work for my money, and I manage to operate in public without acting like a fucking destitute retard. I'm not going to support your efforts to be a fucking loser financially or in any other way.

If I had it in my power, I would round them all up and administer a swift and painful thrashing on mass.


Chris Morris said...

The bitterness is strong in this one.

beaumont said...

you sir, are one of the rare few that still makes me laugh. you are right on the money.